
Mi Fu - cherish.

   mǐ fèi
   Mi Fu-

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation

   zhēn xī

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]

Mi Fu, the famous calligrapher of the Song Dynasty (10511107 AD), once learned to write with a private tutor in his village when he was a child.

   sòng dài zhù míng de shū fǎ jiā mǐ fèi
   Mi Fu, the famous calligrapher of the Song Dynasty (

      宋代 (sòng dài) Song dynasty (960-1279)
         宋 (sòng) null
         代 (dài) to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace
      著名 (zhù míng) famous/noted/well-known/celebrated
         著 (zhù) (chess) move/trick/all right!/(dialect) to add/to touch/to
         名 (míng) name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      书法家 (shū fǎ jiā) calligrapher
         书 (shū) abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/book/letter/document
         法 (fǎ) France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Fa4]
         家 (jiā) home/family/(polite) my (sister uncle etc)/classifier for
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation

   gōng yuán ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? nián
   (10511107 A.D.)

      公元 (gōng yuán) CE (Common Era)/Christian Era/AD (Anno Domini)
         公 (gōng) public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high
         元 (yuán) currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan)/first/original/primary
      年 (nián) year/CL:個|个[ge4]

   xiǎo shí hòu céng jīng gēn cūn lǐ de yī gě sī shú xiān shēng xué xiě zì
   When I was young, I learned to write from a private school teacher in my village.

      小时候 (xiǎo shí hòu) in one's childhood
         小 (xiǎo) small/tiny/few/young
         时 (shí) o'clock/time/when/hour/season/period
         候 (hòu) to wait/to inquire after/to watch/season/climate/(old)
      曾经 (céng jīng) once/already/former/previously/ever/(past tense marker used
         曾 (céng) once/already/ever (in the past)/former/previously/(past
         经 (jīng) classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo
      跟 (gēn) heel/to follow closely/to go with/(of a woman) to marry sb
      村里 (cūn lǐ) village/hamlet
         村 (cūn) village
         里 (lǐ) li ancient measure of length approx. 500 m/neighborhood
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      私塾 (sī shú) private school (in former times)
         私 (sī) personal/private/selfish
         塾 (shú) private school
      先生 (xiān shēng) Mister (Mr.)/teacher/husband/doctor (dialect)/CL:位[wei4]
         先 (xiān) early/prior/former/in advance/first
         生 (shēng) to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw/uncooked/student
      学 (xué) to learn/to study/to imitate/science/-ology
      写字 (xiě zì) to write characters
         写 (xiě) to write
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style

After studying for three years and spending a lot of paper, but writing very ordinary, the teacher was angry and drove him away.

   xué le sān nián
   After three years of study.

      学 (xué) to learn/to study/to imitate/science/-ology
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      三 (sān) three/3
      年 (nián) year/CL:個|个[ge4]

   fèi le hǎo duō zhǐ
   It took a lot of paper.

      费 (fèi) to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      好多 (hǎo duō) many/quite a lot/much better
         好 (hǎo) good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating
         多 (duō) many/much/often/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter

   què xiě dé hěn píng cháng
   but written in a very ordinary way.

      却 (què) but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat
      写 (xiě) to write
      得很 (dé hěn) (after an adjective) very
         得 (dé) to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper
         很 (hěn) (adverb of degree)/quite/very/awfully
      平常 (píng cháng) ordinary/common/usually/ordinarily
         平 (píng) flat/level/equal/to tie (make the same score)/to draw
         常 (cháng) always/ever/often/frequently/common/general/constant

   xiān shēng yī qì zhī xià bǎ tā gǎn zǒu le
   The gentleman kicked him out in a fit of rage.

      先生 (xiān shēng) Mister (Mr.)/teacher/husband/doctor (dialect)/CL:位[wei4]
         先 (xiān) early/prior/former/in advance/first
         生 (shēng) to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw/uncooked/student
      一气之下 (yī qì zhī xià) in a fit of pique/in a fury
         一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
         气 (qì) gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry
         之 (zhī) (possessive particle literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her
         下 (xià) down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of
      把 (bǎ) to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      赶走 (gǎn zǒu) to drive out/to turn back
         赶 (gǎn) to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to
         走 (zǒu) to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

One day, a scholar passing by Mi Fu's hometown to catch an exam.

   yī tiān
   One day.

      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven

   yǒu gě gǎn kǎo de xiù cái cóng mǐ fèi de jiā xiāng lù guō
   A scholar passing by Mi Fu's hometown to catch an exam.

      有 (yǒu) to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      赶考 (gǎn kǎo) to go and take an imperial examination
         赶 (gǎn) to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to
         考 (kǎo) to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/to
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      从 (cóng) from/through/via/to follow/to obey/to engage in (an
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      家乡 (jiā xiāng) hometown/native place/CL:個|个[ge4]
         家 (jiā) home/family/(polite) my (sister uncle etc)/classifier for
         乡 (xiāng) country or countryside/native place/home village or town
      路过 (lù guō) to pass by or through
         路 (lù) road/CL:條|条[tiao2]/journey/route/line (bus etc)/sort/kind
         过 (guō) to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)

Mi Fu heard that he could write very well, so he went to seek advice.

   mǐ fèi tīng shuì tā de zì xiě dé hěn hǎo
   Mi Fu heard that he could write very well.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      听说 (tīng shuì) to hear (sth said)/one hears (that)/hearsay/listening and
         听 (tīng) smile (archaic)
         说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      写 (xiě) to write
      得很 (dé hěn) (after an adjective) very
         得 (dé) to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper
         很 (hěn) (adverb of degree)/quite/very/awfully
      好 (hǎo) good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating

   jiù qù qiú jiāo
   Just go for advice.

      就 (jiù) at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already
      去 (qù) to go/to go to (a place)/(of a time etc) last/just passed
      求教 (qiú jiāo) to ask for advice/seeking instruction
         求 (qiú) to seek/to look for/to request/to demand/to beseech
         教 (jiāo) to teach/religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell

Xiu Cai said: to me to teach you, you have to use my paper to do so.

   xiù cái shuì
   Xiu Cai said.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off

   yāo wǒ jiāo nǐ
   Want me to teach you.

      要 (yāo) to demand/to request/to coerce/important/vital/to want/to
      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      教 (jiāo) to teach/religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell
      你 (nǐ) you (informal as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])

   jiù dé yòng wǒ de zhǐ cái háng
   You'll have to use my paper to do that.

      就 (jiù) at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already
      得 (dé) to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper
      用 (yòng) to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or
      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter
      才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      行 (háng) row/line/commercial firm/line of business/profession/to

My paper is five taels of grain silver a piece.

   wǒ de zhǐ wǔ liǎng wén yín yī zhāng
   My paper is five taels of grain silver a piece.

      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter
      五 (wǔ) five/5
      两 (liǎng) two/both/some/a few/tael unit of weight equal to 50 grams
      纹银 (wén yín) fine silver
         纹 (wén) line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)
         银 (yín) silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      张 (zhāng) to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat

When Mi Fu heard this, he was stunned.

   mǐ fèi tīng hòu
   After hearing this, Mi Fu

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      听 (tīng) smile (archaic)
      后 (hòu) empress/queen

   hè dé mù dèng kǒu dāi
   Dumbfounded with fear.

      吓 (hè) to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(interjection showing
      得 (dé) to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper
      目瞪口呆 (mù dèng kǒu dāi) dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied/stunned
         目 (mù) eye/item/section/list/catalogue/table of contents/order
         瞪 (dèng) to open (one's eyes) wide/to stare at/to glare at
         口 (kǒu) mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people domestic
         呆 (dāi) foolish/stupid/expressionless/blank/to stay

Xiu Cai said again: do not buy my paper even.

   xiù cái yòu shuì
   Xiu Cai said again.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      又 (yòu) (once) again/also/both... and.../and yet/(used for
      说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off

   bù mǎi wǒ de zhǐ jiù suàn le
   Even if you don't buy my paper.

      不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
      买 (mǎi) to buy/to purchase
      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter
      就算 (jiù suàn) granted that/even if
         就 (jiù) at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already
         算 (suàn) to regard as/to figure/to calculate/to compute
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

Mi Fu was in a hurry and said: I'll find the money.

   mǐ fèi jí le
   Mi Fu was in a hurry.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      急 (jí) urgent/pressing/rapid/hurried/worried/to make (sb) anxious
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

   máng shuì
   Busy saying.

      忙 (máng) busy/hurriedly/to hurry/to rush
      说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off

   wǒ zhǎo qián qù
   I'll find the money.

      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      找钱 (zhǎo qián) to give change
         找 (zhǎo) to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to
         钱 (qián) coin/money/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/unit of weight one tenth of a tael
      去 (qù) to go/to go to (a place)/(of a time etc) last/just passed

The mother, unable to withstand Mi Fu's earnest pleading, had to pawn her only jewelry for five taels of silver.

   mǔ qīn jīng bù zhù mǐ fèi de kǔ kǔ āi qiú
   The mother could not withstand Mi Fu's earnest pleading.

      母亲 (mǔ qīn) mother/also pr. [mu3 qin5]/CL:個|个[ge4]
         母 (mǔ) mother/elderly female relative/origin/source/(of animals)
         亲 (qīn) parent/one's own (flesh and blood)/relative/related
      经不住 (jīng bù zhù) to be unable to bear
         经 (jīng) classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo
         不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
         住 (zhù) to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to stop/(suffix
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      苦苦哀求 (kǔ kǔ āi qiú) to entreat piteously/to implore
         苦 (kǔ) bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to
         苦 (kǔ) bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to
         哀 (āi) Ai (c. 2000 BC) sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2
         求 (qiú) to seek/to look for/to request/to demand/to beseech

   zhī hǎo bǎ wéi yī de shǒu shì dāng le wǔ liǎng wén yín
   Had to pawn the only jewelry for five taels of silver.

      只好 (zhī hǎo) without any better option/to have to/to be forced to
         只 (zhī) only/merely/just/but
         好 (hǎo) good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating
      把 (bǎ) to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle
      唯一 (wéi yī) only/sole
         唯 (wéi) -ism/only/alone/yes
         一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      首饰 (shǒu shì) jewelry/head ornament
         首 (shǒu) head/chief/first (occasion thing etc)/classifier for poems
         饰 (shì) decoration/ornament/to decorate/to adorn/to hide/to conceal
      当 (dāng) (onom.) dong/ding dong (bell)/to be/to act as/manage
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      五 (wǔ) five/5
      两 (liǎng) two/both/some/a few/tael unit of weight equal to 50 grams
      纹银 (wén yín) fine silver
         纹 (wén) line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)
         银 (yín) silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency

Xiu Cai took the silver, gave a piece of paper to Mi Fu, and instructed him to write with care.

   xiù cái jiē guō yín zǐ
   Xiu Cai took the silver.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      接过 (jiē guō) to take (sth proffered)
         接 (jiē) to receive/to answer (the phone)/to meet or welcome sb/to
         过 (guō) to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)
      银子 (yín zǐ) money/silver
         银 (yín) silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency
         子 (zǐ) son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st earthly branch: 11

   bǎ yī zhāng zhǐ gěi le mǐ fèi
   Gave a piece of paper to Mi Fu.

      把 (bǎ) to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      张 (zhāng) to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter
      给 (gěi) to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation

   bīng zhǔ fù tā yāo yòng xīn xiě zì
   He was also instructed to write by heart.

      并 (bīng) and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all
      嘱咐 (zhǔ fù) to tell/to exhort/injunction
         嘱 (zhǔ) to enjoin/to implore/to urge
         咐 (fù) to order
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      要 (yāo) to demand/to request/to coerce/important/vital/to want/to
      用心 (yòng xīn) motive/intention/to be diligent or attentive/careful
         用 (yòng) to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or
         心 (xīn) heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1]個|个[ge4]
      写字 (xiě zì) to write characters
         写 (xiě) to write
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style

It was just an ordinary piece of paper, but Mi Fu did not dare to put down his pen easily, and repeatedly and carefully pondered the character post.

   zhè zhī bù guō shì yī zhāng pǔ tōng de zhǐ
   This is just an ordinary piece of paper that

      这 (zhè) this/these/(commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier esp.
      只不过 (zhī bù guō) only/merely/nothing but/no more than/it's just that ...
         只 (zhī) only/merely/just/but
         不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
         过 (guō) to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)
      是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      张 (zhāng) to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat
      普通 (pǔ tōng) common/ordinary/general/average
         普 (pǔ) general/popular/everywhere/universal
         通 (tōng) to go through/to know well/(suffix) expert/to connect/to
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter

   dàn mǐ fèi bù gǎn qīng yì xià bǐ
   But Mi Fu did not dare to write easily.

      但 (dàn) but/yet/however/only/merely/still
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
      敢 (gǎn) to dare/daring/(polite) may I venture
      轻易 (qīng yì) easily/lightly/rashly
         轻 (qīng) light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small
         易 (yì) easy/amiable/to change/to exchange/prefix corresponding to
      下笔 (xià bǐ) to put pen to paper
         下 (xià) down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of
         笔 (bǐ) pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of

   fǎn fù rèn zhēn zhuó mó zì tiē
   Repeatedly and carefully ponder over the word post.

      反复 (fǎn fù) repeatedly/over and over/to upend/unstable/to come and go
         反 (fǎn) contrary/in reverse/inside out or upside down/to reverse/to
         复 (fù) to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal
      认真 (rèn zhēn) conscientious/earnest/serious/to take seriously/to take to
         认 (rèn) to recognize/to know/to admit
         真 (zhēn) really/truly/indeed/real/true/genuine
      琢磨 (zhuó mó) to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary
         琢 (zhuó) to cut (gems)/see 琢磨[zuo2 mo5]
         磨 (mó) to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die
      字帖 (zì tiē) copybook (for calligraphy)
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
         帖 (tiē) invitation card/notice/rubbing from incised inscription

He drew on the desk with his fingers, thinking about the interlocking structure and strokes of each character, and gradually became fascinated.

   tā yòng shǒu zhǐ zài shū zhuō shǎng huà zhāo
   He drew his fingers on the desk and

      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      用 (yòng) to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or
      手指 (shǒu zhǐ) finger/CL:個|个[ge4]隻|只[zhi1]
         手 (shǒu) hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of
         指 (zhǐ) finger/to point at or to/to indicate or refer to/to depend
      在 (zài) (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth
      书桌 (shū zhuō) desk/CL:張|张[zhang1]
         书 (shū) abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/book/letter/document
         桌 (zhuō) table/desk/classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc
      上 (shǎng) see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/on top/upon/above/upper/previous
      画着 --not found--
      着 (zhāo) (chess) move/trick/all right!/(dialect) to add/to touch/to

   xiǎng zhāo měi gě zì de jiān jià jiē gòu hé bǐ fēng
   Thinking about the interlinear structure and strokes of each character.

      想 (xiǎng) to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss
      着 (zhāo) (chess) move/trick/all right!/(dialect) to add/to touch/to
      每 (měi) each/every
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      间 (jiān) between/among/within a definite time or space/room/section
      架 (jià) to support/frame/rack/framework/classifier for planes large
      结构 (jiē gòu) structure/composition/makeup/architecture
         结 (jiē) (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds)/Taiwan pr. [jie2]
         构 (gòu) to construct/to form/to make up/to compose/literary
      和 (hé) and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/Taiwan pr.
      笔锋 (bǐ fēng) the tip of a writing brush/vigor of style in writing/stroke
         笔 (bǐ) pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of
         锋 (fēng) point of a spear/edge of a tool/vanguard/forward (in sports

   jiàn jiàn rù le mí
   Gradually, I became fascinated.

      渐渐 (jiàn jiàn) gradually
         渐 (jiàn) to imbue/gradual/gradually
         渐 (jiàn) to imbue/gradual/gradually
      入 (rù) to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      迷 (mí) to bewilder/crazy about/fan/enthusiast/lost/confused

Half a day later, Xiucai found Mi Fu asked: how not to write it? Mi Fu was shocked, the pen fell to the ground, said: the paper is too expensive, afraid to waste the paper.

   bàn tiān guō hòu
   After half a day

      半天 (bàn tiān) half of the day/a long time/quite a while/midair
         半 (bàn) half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven
      过后 (guō hòu) after the event
         过 (guō) to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)
         后 (hòu) empress/queen

   xiù cái zhǎo dào mǐ fèi wèn
   Xiu Cai found Mi Fu and asked.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      找到 (zhǎo dào) to find
         找 (zhǎo) to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to
         到 (dào) to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/(verb
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      问 (wèn) to ask

   zěn me bù xiě ne
   How not to write?

      怎么 (zěn me) how?/what?/why?
         怎 (zěn) how
         么 (me) exclamatory final particle/interrogative final particle
      不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
      写 (xiě) to write
      呢 (ne) particle indicating that a previously asked question is to

   mǐ fèi yī jīng
   Mi Fu was astonished.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      惊 (jīng) to startle/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm

   bǐ diào zài de shǎng
   The pen fell on the floor and

      笔 (bǐ) pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of
      掉 (diào) to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to
      在地 (zài de) local
         在 (zài) (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth
         地 (de) -ly/structural particle: used before a verb or adjective
      上 (shǎng) see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/on top/upon/above/upper/previous


      说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off

   zhǐ tài guì
   Paper is too expensive.

      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter
      太 (tài) highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely
      贵 (guì) expensive/noble/precious/(honorific) your

   pà fèi le zhǐ
   Fear of scrapping the paper.

      怕 (pà) to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure
      废 (fèi) to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to discard/to depose/to
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter

Xiu Cai laughed to: you mulled over so half a day, write a word for me to see.

   xiù cái xiào dào
   Xiu Cai laughed to.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      笑 (xiào) laugh/smile/CL:個|个[ge4]
      到 (dào) to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/(verb

   nǐ zhuó mó le zhè me bàn tiān
   You pondered so half a day.

      你 (nǐ) you (informal as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])
      琢磨 (zhuó mó) to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary
         琢 (zhuó) to cut (gems)/see 琢磨[zuo2 mo5]
         磨 (mó) to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      这么 (zhè me) so much/this much/how much?/this way/like this
         这 (zhè) this/these/(commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier esp.
         么 (me) exclamatory final particle/interrogative final particle
      半天 (bàn tiān) half of the day/a long time/quite a while/midair
         半 (bàn) half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven

   xiě gě zì ràng wǒ kān kān
   Write a word for me to read.

      写 (xiě) to write
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      让 (ràng) to yield/to permit/to let sb do sth/to have sb do sth/to
      我 (wǒ) I/me/my
      看看 (kān kān) to take a look at/to examine/to survey/(coll.) pretty soon
         看 (kān) to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard/to see/to
         看 (kān) to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard/to see/to

Mi Fu wrote a Yong character, almost the same as the character on the postcard, but it seems to be different, it's really beautiful.

   mǐ fèi xiě le gě yǒng zì
   Mi Fu wrote the character 永.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      写 (xiě) to write
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      永 (yǒng) forever/always/perpetual
      字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style

   jī hū hé zì tiē shǎng de zì yī yàng
   Almost the same as the words on the postcard.

      几乎 (jī hū) almost/nearly/practically
         几 (jī) small table
         乎 (hū) (classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in/at/from/because
      和 (hé) and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/Taiwan pr.
      字帖 (zì tiē) copybook (for calligraphy)
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
         帖 (tiē) invitation card/notice/rubbing from incised inscription
      上 (shǎng) see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/on top/upon/above/upper/previous
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      一样 (yī yàng) same/like/equal to/the same as/just like
         一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
         样 (yàng) manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/classifier: kind type

   kě yòu hǎo xiàng bù yī yàng
   But it seems to be different again.

      可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
      又 (yòu) (once) again/also/both... and.../and yet/(used for
      好像 (hǎo xiàng) as if/to seem like
         好 (hǎo) good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating
         像 (xiàng) to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance
      不一样 (bù yī yàng) different/distinctive/unlike
         不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
         一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
         样 (yàng) manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/classifier: kind type

   zhēn shì piāo liàng le
   It's really beautiful.

      真是 (zhēn shì) indeed/truly/(coll.) (used to express disapproval annoyance
         真 (zhēn) really/truly/indeed/real/true/genuine
         是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      漂亮 (piāo liàng) pretty/beautiful
         漂 (piāo) to float/to drift/to bleach/elegant/polished
         亮 (liàng) bright/clear/resonant/to shine/to show/to reveal
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

Xiu Cai said: writing is not just moving the pen, but also moving the heart.

   xiù cái shuì
   Xiu Cai said.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      说 (shuì) to persuade/to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off

   xiě zì bù zhī shì dòng bǐ
   Writing is more than just moving a pen.

      写字 (xiě zì) to write characters
         写 (xiě) to write
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      不只 (bù zhī) not only/not merely
         不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
         只 (zhī) only/merely/just/but
      是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      动 (dòng) (of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to
      笔 (bǐ) pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of

   hái yāo dòng xīn
   And move your heart.

      还 (hái) still/still in progress/still more/yet/even more/in
      要 (yāo) to demand/to request/to coerce/important/vital/to want/to
      动心 (dòng xīn) to be moved/to be tempted
         动 (dòng) (of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to
         心 (xīn) heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1]個|个[ge4]

You already know the ropes.

   nǐ yǐ jīng dǒng dé qiào mén le
   You already know the ropes.

      你 (nǐ) you (informal as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])
      已经 (yǐ jīng) already
         已 (yǐ) already/to stop/then/afterwards
         经 (jīng) classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo
      懂得 (dǒng dé) to understand/to know/to comprehend
         懂 (dǒng) to understand/to comprehend
         得 (dé) to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper
      窍门 (qiào mén) a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing
         窍 (qiào) hole/opening/orifice (of the human body)/(fig.) key (to the
         门 (mén) gate/door/CL:扇[shan4]/gateway/doorway/CL:個|个[ge4]/opening
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

A few days later, Xiu Cai was leaving, and before he left, he gave Mi Fu a cloth bag and instructed to open it after he left.

   jī tiān hòu
   A few days later

      几天 (jī tiān) several days
         几 (jī) small table
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven
      后 (hòu) empress/queen

   xiù cái yāo zǒu le
   Xiu Cai is leaving.

      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      要 (yāo) to demand/to request/to coerce/important/vital/to want/to
      走 (zǒu) to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed

   lín háng qián sòng gěi mǐ fèi yī gě bù bāo
   Before his departure, he gave Mi Fu a cloth bag.

      临行 (lín háng) on leaving/on the point of departure
         临 (lín) to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just
         行 (háng) row/line/commercial firm/line of business/profession/to
      前 (qián) front/forward/ahead/first/top (followed by a number)/future
      送给 (sòng gěi) to send/to give as a present
         送 (sòng) to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present
         给 (gěi) to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for
      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      个 (gě) individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects
      布 (bù) cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/to make known
      包 (bāo) to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to

   bīng dīng zhǔ yāo zài tā zǒu hòu zài dá kāi
   and instructed to open it after he was gone.

      并 (bīng) and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all
      叮嘱 (dīng zhǔ) to warn repeatedly/to urge/to exhort again and again
         叮 (dīng) to sting or bite (of mosquito bee etc)/to say repeatedly/to
         嘱 (zhǔ) to enjoin/to implore/to urge
      要 (yāo) to demand/to request/to coerce/important/vital/to want/to
      在 (zài) (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      走 (zǒu) to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave
      后 (hòu) empress/queen
      再 (zài) again/once more/re-/second/another/then (after sth and not
      打开 (dá kāi) to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on
         打 (dá) dozen (loanword)/to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to type
         开 (kāi) to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a

Mi Fu saw Xiu Cai go away, open the cloth bag to see: the original is the five taels of silver! Mi Fu could not help but fall into tears.

   mǐ fèi mù sòng xiù cái yuǎn qù
   Mi Fu watched Xiu Cai go away.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      目送 (mù sòng) to follow with one's eyes (a departing guest etc)
         目 (mù) eye/item/section/list/catalogue/table of contents/order
         送 (sòng) to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present
      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual
      远 (yuǎn) far/distant/remote/(intensifier in a comparison) by far
      去 (qù) to go/to go to (a place)/(of a time etc) last/just passed

   dá kāi bù bāo yī kān
   Open the cloth bag to see.

      打开 (dá kāi) to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on
         打 (dá) dozen (loanword)/to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to type
         开 (kāi) to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a
      布 (bù) cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/to make known
      包 (bāo) to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      看 (kān) to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard/to see/to

   yuán lái shì nā wǔ liǎng wén yín
   So it was the five taels of silver!

      原来 (yuán lái) original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so actually as
         原 (yuán) former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source
         来 (lái) to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next
      是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      那 (nā) that/those/then (in that case)/commonly pr. [nei4] before a
      五 (wǔ) five/5
      两 (liǎng) two/both/some/a few/tael unit of weight equal to 50 grams
      纹银 (wén yín) fine silver
         纹 (wén) line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)
         银 (yín) silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency

   mǐ fèi bù jīn diào xià le yǎn lèi
   Mi Fu couldn't help but drop tears.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      不禁 (bù jīn) can't help (doing sth)/can't refrain from
         不 (bù) (negative prefix)/not/no
         禁 (jīn) to endure/to prohibit/to forbid
      掉下 (diào xià) to drop down/to fall
         掉 (diào) to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to
         下 (xià) down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of
      了 (le) (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed
      眼泪 (yǎn lèi) tears/crying/CL:滴[di1]
         眼 (yǎn) eye/small hole/crux (of a matter)/CL:隻|只[zhi1]雙|双[shuang1]
         泪 (lèi) tears

Since then he has been putting five taels of silver on his desk, always bearing in mind that the painstakingly taught him to write.

   cǐ hòu tā yī zhí bǎ wǔ liǎng wén yín fàng zài shū zhuō shǎng
   Thereafter he kept the five taels of silver on his desk.

      此后 (cǐ hòu) after this/afterwards/hereafter
         此 (cǐ) this/these
         后 (hòu) empress/queen
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      一直 (yī zhí) straight (in a straight line)/continuously/always/from the
         一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
         直 (zhí) straight/to straighten/fair and reasonable/frank
      把 (bǎ) to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle
      五 (wǔ) five/5
      两 (liǎng) two/both/some/a few/tael unit of weight equal to 50 grams
      纹银 (wén yín) fine silver
         纹 (wén) line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)
         银 (yín) silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency
      放 (fàng) to put/to place/to release/to free/to let go/to let out/to
      在 (zài) (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth
      书桌 (shū zhuō) desk/CL:張|张[zhang1]
         书 (shū) abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/book/letter/document
         桌 (zhuō) table/desk/classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc
      上 (shǎng) see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/on top/upon/above/upper/previous

   shí kè míng jì nā wèi kǔ xīn jiāo tā xiě zì de xiù cái
   Always remember the showman who painstakingly taught him how to write.

      时刻 (shí kè) time/juncture/moment/period of time/CL:個|个[ge4]段[duan4]
         时 (shí) o'clock/time/when/hour/season/period
         刻 (kè) quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to engrave/to cut/oppressive
      铭记 (míng jì) to engrave in one's memory
         铭 (míng) to engrave/inscribed motto
         记 (jì) to record/to note/to memorize/to remember/mark/sign
      那 (nā) that/those/then (in that case)/commonly pr. [nei4] before a
      位 (wèi) position/location/place/seat/classifier for people
      苦心 (kǔ xīn) painstaking effort/to take a lot of trouble/laborious at
         苦 (kǔ) bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to
         心 (xīn) heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1]個|个[ge4]
      教 (jiāo) to teach/religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell
      他 (tā) he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or
      写字 (xiě zì) to write characters
         写 (xiě) to write
         字 (zì) letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      秀才 (xiù cái) a person who has passed the county level imperial exam
         秀 (xiù) handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/superior/show (loanword)
         才 (cái) ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual

Heavenly rewards.

   tiān dào chóu qín
   Heavenly rewards.

      天道酬勤 (tiān dào chóu qín) Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven
         道 (dào) road/path/CL:條|条[tiao2]股[gu3]/principle/truth/morality
         酬 (chóu) to entertain/to repay/to return/to reward/to compensate/to
         勤 (qín) diligent/industrious/hardworking/frequent/regular/constant

Mi Fu cherished every piece of white paper and studied diligently, finally becoming a great calligrapher in history.

   mǐ fèi zhēn xī měi yī zhāng bái zhǐ
   Mi Fu cherishes every piece of white paper.

      米芾 (mǐ fèi) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Song poet and calligrapher
         米 (mǐ) rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
         芾 (fèi) see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]/luxuriance of vegetation
      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      每 (měi) each/every
      一 (yī) one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all
      张 (zhāng) to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat
      白 (bái) white/snowy/pure/bright/empty/blank/plain/clear/to make
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter

   qín xué kǔ liàn
   Learn and practice hard.

      勤学苦练 (qín xué kǔ liàn) to study diligently/to train assiduously
         勤 (qín) diligent/industrious/hardworking/frequent/regular/constant
         学 (xué) to learn/to study/to imitate/science/-ology
         苦 (kǔ) bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to
         练 (liàn) to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)

   zhōng yú chéng wéi lì shǐ shǎng hè hè yǒu míng de dà shū fǎ jiā
   He finally became a great calligrapher in history.

      终于 (zhōng yú) at last/in the end/finally/eventually
         终 (zhōng) end/finish
         于 (yú) in/at/to/from/by/than/out of
      成为 (chéng wéi) to become/to turn into
         成 (chéng) to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to
         为 (wéi) as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve
      历史上 (lì shǐ shǎng) historical/in history
         历 (lì) calendar/to experience/to undergo/to pass through/all/each
         史 (shǐ) history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient
         上 (shǎng) see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/on top/upon/above/upper/previous
      赫赫 (hè hè) brilliant/impressive/outstanding
         赫 (hè) awe-inspiring/abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1] hertz (Hz)
         赫 (hè) awe-inspiring/abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1] hertz (Hz)
      有名 (yǒu míng) famous/well-known
         有 (yǒu) to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be
         名 (míng) name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      大 (dà) big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/older (than)/oldest
      书法家 (shū fǎ jiā) calligrapher
         书 (shū) abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/book/letter/document
         法 (fǎ) France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Fa4]
         家 (jiā) home/family/(polite) my (sister uncle etc)/classifier for

www.rensheng5.com珍惜白纸 allows you to practice exquisite calligraphy.

   ??? ??? ???

      www --not found--
      ww --not found--
      w --not found--

   ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

      rensheng5 --not found--
      ensheng5 --not found--
      nsheng5 --not found--
      sheng5 --not found--
      heng5 --not found--
      eng5 --not found--
      ng5 --not found--
      g5 --not found--

   ??? ??? ??? zhēn xī bái zhǐ
   com cherish white paper.

      com珍惜白纸 --not found--
      om珍惜白纸 --not found--
      m珍惜白纸 --not found--
      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      白 (bái) white/snowy/pure/bright/empty/blank/plain/clear/to make
      纸 (zhǐ) paper/CL:張|张[zhang1]沓[da2]/classifier for documents letter

   kě yǐ liàn chū jīng měi de shū fǎ
   Fine calligraphy can be practiced.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      练 (liàn) to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)
      出 (chū) to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to
      精美 (jīng měi) delicate/fine/refinement
         精 (jīng) essence/extract/vitality/energy/semen/sperm/mythical goblin
         美 (měi) the Americas/abbr. for 美洲[Mei3 zhou1]/USA/abbr. for
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      书法 (shū fǎ) calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship
         书 (shū) abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/book/letter/document
         法 (fǎ) France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Fa4]

Cherish the young seedlings, which can nurture the big trees in the sky.

   zhēn xī yòu miáo
   Cherish the seedlings.

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      幼苗 (yòu miáo) young sprout/bud/sapling/seedling
         幼 (yòu) young
         苗 (miáo) sprout

   kě yǐ yù chū cān tiān de dà shù
   It is possible to raise trees that will grow to the sky.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      育 (yù) to have children/to raise or bring up/to educate
      出 (chū) to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to
      参天 (cān tiān) reach high to the sky/tall/of great height
         参 (cān) to take part in/to participate/to join/to attend/to counsel
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      大树 (dà shù) Tashu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2
         大 (dà) big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/older (than)/oldest
         树 (shù) tree/CL:棵[ke1]/to cultivate/to set up

Cherishing the earth and stones can form a lofty mountain.

   zhēn xī tǔ dàn
   Cherish the earth and stones.

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      土 (tǔ) earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crude opium
      石 (dàn) dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗/ten pecks/one

   kě yǐ xíng chéng wēi wēi gāo shān
   It can form lofty mountains.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      形成 (xíng chéng) to form/to take shape
         形 (xíng) to appear/to look/form/shape
         成 (chéng) to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to
      巍巍 (wēi wēi) towering/imposing
         巍 (wēi) lofty/towering/Taiwan pr. [wei2]
         巍 (wēi) lofty/towering/Taiwan pr. [wei2]
      高山 (gāo shān) high mountain/alpine
         高 (gāo) high/tall/above average/loud/your (honorific)
         山 (shān) mountain/hill/anything that resembles a mountain/CL:座[zuo4]

Cherished drops of water can be merged into a vast ocean.

   zhēn xī dī shuǐ
   Cherish the drops of water that

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      滴水 (dī shuǐ) water drop/dripping water
         滴 (dī) a drop/to drip
         水 (shuǐ) water/river/liquid/beverage/additional charges or income

   kě yǐ huì chéng máng máng hǎi yáng
   It can converge into a vast ocean.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      汇 (huì) to remit/to converge (of rivers)/to exchange/class
      成 (chéng) to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to
      茫茫 (máng máng) boundless/vast and obscure
         茫 (máng) vast with no clear boundary/fig. hazy/indistinct/unclear
         茫 (máng) vast with no clear boundary/fig. hazy/indistinct/unclear
      海洋 (hǎi yáng) ocean/CL:個|个[ge4]
         海 (hǎi) ocean/sea/CL:個|个[ge4]片[pian4]/great number of people or
         洋 (yáng) ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin

Valuing time can make the flower of life more splendid.

   zhēn xī shí jiān
   Cherish the time that

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      时间 (shí jiān) time/period/CL:段[duan4]
         时 (shí) o'clock/time/when/hour/season/period
         间 (jiān) between/among/within a definite time or space/room/section

   kě yǐ shǐ shēng mìng zhī huā gēng jiā xuàn lí
   It can make the flower of life more splendid.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      使 (shǐ) to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to
      生命 (shēng mìng) life (as the characteristic of living beings)/living being
         生 (shēng) to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw/uncooked/student
         命 (mìng) life/fate/order or command/to assign a name title etc
      之 (zhī) (possessive particle literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her
      花 (huā) flower/blossom/CL:朵[duo3]支[zhi1]束[shu4]把[ba3]盆[pen2]簇[cu4]
      更加 (gēng jiā) more (than sth else)/even more
         更 (gēng) to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two-hour
         加 (jiā) to add/plus/(used after an adverb such as 不 大 稍 etc and
      绚丽 (xuàn lí) gorgeous/magnificent
         绚 (xuàn) adorned/swift/gorgeous/brilliant/variegated
         丽 (lí) Korea/beautiful

Valuing your work can make the fruit of your career more fruitful.

   zhēn xī gōng zuō
   Cherish the work that

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      工作 (gōng zuō) to work/(of a machine) to operate/job/work/task
         工 (gōng) work/worker/skill/profession/trade/craft/labor
         作 (zuō) worker/workshop/(slang) troublesome/high-maintenance

   kě yǐ shǐ shì yè zhī guǒ gēng jiā fēng shuò
   You can make the fruit of your career more fruitful.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      使 (shǐ) to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to
      事业 (shì yè) undertaking/project/activity/(charitable political or
         事 (shì) matter/thing/item/work/affair
         业 (yè) line of business/industry/occupation/job/employment/school
      之 (zhī) (possessive particle literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her
      果 (guǒ) fruit/result/resolute/indeed/if really
      更加 (gēng jiā) more (than sth else)/even more
         更 (gēng) to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two-hour
         加 (jiā) to add/plus/(used after an adverb such as 不 大 稍 etc and
      丰硕 (fēng shuò) plentiful/substantial/rich (in resources etc)
         丰 (fēng) abundant/plentiful/fertile/plump/great
         硕 (shuò) large/big

Cherish the emotion that can be liver and guts, honor and shame together.

   zhēn xī qíng gǎn
   Cherish the emotions that

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      情感 (qíng gǎn) feeling/emotion/to move (emotionally)
         情 (qíng) feeling/emotion/passion/situation
         感 (gǎn) to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/feeling/emotion/(suffix)

   kě yǐ gān dǎn xiāng zhào
   can be liver and guts.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      肝胆相照 (gān dǎn xiāng zhào) to treat one another with absolute sincerity (idiom); to
         肝 (gān) liver/CL:葉|叶[ye4]個|个[ge4]
         胆 (dǎn) gall bladder/courage/guts/gall/inner container (e.g.
         相 (xiāng) each other/one another/mutually/fret on the neck of a pipa
         照 (zhào) according to/in accordance with/to shine/to illuminate/to

   róng rǔ yǔ gòng
   Glory and shame.

      荣辱与共 (róng rǔ yǔ gòng) (of friends or partners) to share both the honor and the
         荣 (róng) glory/honor/thriving
         辱 (rǔ) disgrace/dishonor/to insult/to bring disgrace or
         与 (yǔ) and/to give/together with/to take part in
         共 (gòng) common/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for

Cherishing the masses can move heaven and earth and be invincible.

   zhēn xī qún zhòng
   cherish the masses.

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      群众 (qún zhòng) mass/multitude/the masses
         群 (qún) group/crowd/flock herd pack etc
         众 (zhòng) abbr. for 眾議院|众议院[Zhong4 yi4 yuan4] House of

   kě yǐ gǎn tiān dòng de
   It can move heaven and earth.

      可以 (kě yǐ) can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         以 (yǐ) abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/to use/by means of
      感天动地 (gǎn tiān dòng de) deeply affecting (idiom)
         感 (gǎn) to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/feeling/emotion/(suffix)
         天 (tiān) day/sky/heaven
         动 (dòng) (of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to
         地 (de) -ly/structural particle: used before a verb or adjective

   suǒ xiàng pī mí

      所向披靡 (suǒ xiàng pī mí) to sweep everything before one/to be invincible (idiom)
         所 (suǒ) actually/place/classifier for houses small buildings
         向 (xiàng) towards/to face/to turn towards/direction/to support/to
         披 (pī) to drape over one's shoulders/to open/to unroll/to split
         靡 (mí) to waste (money)/extravagant/go with fashion/not

Great truth: What is terrible in this world is squandering, but what is valuable is cherishing.

   dà dào lǐ
   Big truth.

      大道理 (dà dào lǐ) major principle/general truth/sermon (reproof)/bombastic
         大 (dà) big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/older (than)/oldest
         道 (dào) road/path/CL:條|条[tiao2]股[gu3]/principle/truth/morality
         理 (lǐ) texture/grain (of wood)/inner essence/intrinsic order

   shì jiān kě pà de shì huī huò
   The terrible thing in the world is the squandering that

      世间 (shì jiān) world/earth
         世 (shì) life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant
         间 (jiān) between/among/within a definite time or space/room/section
      可怕 (kě pà) awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/frightful/scary/hideous
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         怕 (pà) to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      挥霍 (huī huò) to squander money/extravagant/prodigal/free and easy/agile
         挥 (huī) to wave/to brandish/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to
         霍 (huò) suddenly

   kě guì de shì zhēn xī
   Valuable is cherished.

      可贵 (kě guì) to be treasured/praiseworthy
         可 (kě) can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used
         贵 (guì) expensive/noble/precious/(honorific) your
      的 (de) of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)
      是 (shì) is/are/am/yes/to be
      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]

For, squandering leads to decay and cherishing leads to prosperity.

   yīn wéi

      因为 (yīn wéi) because/owing to/on account of
         因 (yīn) cause/reason/because
         为 (wéi) as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve

   huī huò dǎo zhì shuāi bài
   profligacy leads to decay.

      挥霍 (huī huò) to squander money/extravagant/prodigal/free and easy/agile
         挥 (huī) to wave/to brandish/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to
         霍 (huò) suddenly
      导致 (dǎo zhì) to lead to/to create/to cause/to bring about
         导 (dǎo) to transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct
         致 (zhì) to send/to devote/to deliver/to cause/to convey
      衰败 (shuāi bài) to decline/to wane/to decay/to deteriorate
         衰 (shuāi) mourning garments/to decline/to wane/to become weak or
         败 (bài) to defeat/to damage/to lose (to an opponent)/to fail/to

   zhēn xī dǎo zhì xīng chéng
   Cherish leads to prosperity.

      珍惜 (zhēn xī) to treasure/to value/to cherish
         珍 (zhēn) precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to
         惜 (xī) to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
      导致 (dǎo zhì) to lead to/to create/to cause/to bring about
         导 (dǎo) to transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct
         致 (zhì) to send/to devote/to deliver/to cause/to convey
      兴盛 (xīng chéng) to flourish/to thrive
         兴 (xīng) to rise/to flourish/to become popular/to start/to encourage
         盛 (chéng) to hold/to contain/to ladle/to pick up with a utensil